Mario 8 Video

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Mario and company have the shock of their lives when their plane crashes in the ocean. Somehow, they survive.

Mario and his team are still successfully running Global Aviation Leasing. That crazy-like-a-fox ex-fiancée Olga Camacho still owns GAL. LAI has gone public, making her a billionairess. Legally.

But there are many changes in Mario’s life. After the jet crashes outside of Puerto Vallarta en route to Camila Camacho’s funeral in Colombia, Storm moves into Casa Luna. Olga hires a boy toy to share with Riana. Then the unthinkable happens. On a trip to Puerto Rico, Mario discovers that his FBI side-dish Lola is alive. She is a free agent, no longer with the FBI, still hiding out from the Camachos after a couple of their enforcers failed to erase her.

What will happen when Olga discovers her nemesis is still alive?

George Hatcher’s number eight book in the Ambulance chaser series. Lola/Nina the former FBI agent may not be as dead as you think.

Plot-Spoiler Alert

Do not tap or click the book below if you want no foreknowledge of a momentous event in the plot…

Do not tap or click this book if you want no foreknowledge of a momentous event in the plot…


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